Technical Solution
Domestic Sewage

Domestic sewage is mostly wastewater residents generate in their daily life, such as washing water, bathing water, kitchen water, toilet water, etc. As a result, its daily outflow is large and must be treated before release to fulfill standards. Furthermore, untreated home sewage contains a variety of organic and inorganic pollutants that damage the water environment and contribute to the eutrophication of bodies of water. When thrown directly into water bodies, it also affects self-purification and destroys the ecological water balance. As a result, successfully collecting domestic sewage and selecting an adequate treatment technique is critical.
Industrial Wastewater

Industrial wastewater is generated during the manufacturing process, and the pollutants in the wastewater are diverse, complicated, extraordinary, and difficult to clean. Furthermore, as the economy grows, wastewater pollution of water resources becomes more serious, and the scope implicated continuously expands, resulting in a proportional impact on human health and safety. So, how should industrial effluent be treated?
Industrial wastewater treatment procedures fluctuate across industries and sources, and we must choose appropriate treatment methods based on the circumstances. Physical and chemical procedures are typically used for pretreatment to improve biochemical characteristics. The MBR membrane technology is then used to treat the wastewater again before it is discharged.
Pure & Ultrapure Water

Ion exchange resin is typically used in traditional pure and ultrapure water manufacture. Nonetheless, the ion exchange resin requires periodic regeneration, which is costly and time-consuming. After years of practice and experience, EcoLanTM has adopted reverse osmosis technology, or the process combined with EDI, to manufacture pure water and ultra-pure water, which has the advantages of cheap operating cost and high operational dependability compared to the old method. The reverse osmosis technique is modern, stable, and dependable, whereas the EDI method requires no chemical regeneration, produces no wastewater, and has a low operating cost.